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Meta Peace Team's Internship Program

Interns with Meta Peace Team will have the opportunity to learn about and participate in the work of a grassroots, nonprofit international peace organization that is connected to a global network of peace organizations. A member of Nonviolent Peaceforce and the Shanti Sena Network,  MPT is both nationally and internationally recognized and utilized. MPT has a board of directors (our "Core Community"), three staff members, as well as a large number of volunteers. Interns’ skills and interests are matched with responsibilities and needs of MPT.

Image by Hannah Busing

Committee Experience

Interns work primarily with MPT staff to carry out work in various committees:

  • Domestic Peace Team Committee 

  • Training Committee

  • Development & Fundraising Committee

  • International Peace Team's Committee

  • Endorsement Committee


Nonviolence Resources

Interns will also have access to a library of resources on the work and theory of nonviolent peacemaking:

  • books

  • newsletters

  • audiotapes

  •  videotapes


Tasks May Include

  • Assisting with newsletter development, including researching and presenting articles for publication

  • Meeting with and participating in committee meetings; may occasionally take and disseminate minutes

  • Attending/participating in a nonviolence training

  • Attending an MPT presentation(s)

  • Improving organizational packets and information dissemination

  • Assisting with website ideas, blogs, social networking sites, upkeep, etc.

  • Assisting in scheduling trainings

  • Compiling and generating listserve announcements and Team updates

  • General office tasks/activities

  • Research and publishing to our blog

  • Help with organizing sponsored events, presentations, and fundraisers.

Peace Team accompaniment.jpg

Optional Opportunities for Interns include

  • Participate in our Nonviolent Skills Training.  Fees are waived for interns.

  • Participate in our Bystander Intervention Training. Fees are waved for interns.

  • Observe MPT associates as they act as local peace teams

  • Attend demonstrations, protests, or marches

  • Attend workshops/lectures

  • Take part in a Domestic Peace Team placement

About working with us

​Meta Peace Team (originally Michigan Peace Team) was founded in 1993. Its offices are located in Michigan's state capital, Lansing, within easy commuting distance of Michigan State University and Lansing Community College, and as of  2013, also in the heart of inner-city Detroit.  To ensure a quality educational experience, MPT has a “cap” of three interns per semester. Interns receive daily supervision and ongoing mentoring. Their schedules can be flexible, although most work is done during normal office hours (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.). However, since nonviolence trainings, events, and presentations often happen on weekends and evenings, schedules can vary.

Meta Peace Team networks with organizations that use Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) such as Nonviolent Peaceforce, Christian Peacemaker Teams, Peace Brigades International, International Women’s Peace Service, the International Solidarity Movement, Rabbis for Human Rights, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Women in Black and others.


What we look for in our interns

We are looking for students that are as excited about effective nonviolent conflict resolution and transformation as we are. The students' individual time commitments vary and are flexible. We support that school and work schedules have to come first. If the internship is being done for academic credit, then we rely on the academic adviser to identify how many hours the student needs to complete to receive full credit. We have no particular minimum/maximum time requirements: we only ask that the student adhere to the schedule they have developed, or call us and let us know if there's a schedule change.


Most students choose to work with us 10-16 hours/week (although we have had students do as much as 40 hours/week to qualify for specific university requirements or to meet requirements for the particular scholarships they've acquired on their own). Normal office hours run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and we ask that most of the internship hours be completed during office hours to facilitate supervision.

Join our Team

It is our hope that interns will gain valuable knowledge and hands-on skills at the completion of their internship in various areas: nonviolent peacemaking; organizational skills; familiarity with working in nonprofit grassroots organizations; and a better understanding of third-party nonviolent intervention, the larger peace community, and the work being done worldwide for peace. Interns may also find resources for post-graduation work opportunities or service opportunities in the international peace community.

To apply for the MPT internship, download and complete the packet.

To send electronically:  

     Email: Mary L. Hanna, M.Ed. at:  Include "Internship" in the subject line.

Meta Peace Team


201 W. Miller Rd., Lansing, MI 48911

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©2024 by Meta Peace Team

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